Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016



AdFly (or was one of the first dedicated interstitial link shorteners, and has established itself as one of the leading methods for publishers and social media users to monetise the links they share.
Rates vary by country, but AdFly offers some of the highest rates around for US visitors at nearly $4 CPM for raw visitors, and with good rates between $1.50-$2.20 CPM for users from the UK, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe.

When a link is shortened with AdFly, users clicking on the link will see a full screen advertisement for at least five seconds before they are able to skip the ad using using a link in a frame at the top of the page. Here’s an example of a AdFly shortened and monetised link.

The publisher interface is has been carefully designed to offer easy access to statistics and link management with just one click, and publishers are even able to use their own custom domains to make the service to fit in even better with their sites. AdFly also offers an API, so developers can integrate its link monetisation options into their web service.

Payments are made on the 1st of every month, with publishers able to choose between PayPal, Payoneer, and Payza to receive their money.

AdFly, 3.0 out of 5 based on 7 ratings
Payment Model:
Ad Sizes:
Interstitial and link shortener
Payment Options:
Payout Percentage to Publishers: 50%
Payout Frequency: NET30
Minimum Payout Amount: $5

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